Its good cause it's RUCKLO!
You are an audio legend.
You have mastered Reason.
You are #2 on my top Artists list. :D
The song is flawless. The one thing I love
about your new tracks is the use of
turntablism. Your hip-hop is truly unique,
not like that ripped off Lil' Jon shit
we hear on newgrounds.
I loved the snare with your percussion.
You should make a Rucklo ReDrum kit.
I love everything about this song.
You got some groovy shit going Rucklo.
Good luck with future music!
I also finished that song you were looking
forward too. Check it out if you wish.
We should collab sometime.
Thanks for your vote, TheSuitcase! You voted 5 for Rucklo - I Switch It On, raising its score from 3.90 to 3.95.